
  • Орест Іванович Полотай Lviv State University of life safety Kleparovska 35, Lwow, 79000, Ukraine



model, knowledge, correlation analysis, educational project, innovation management, economic knowledge.


Nowadays, higher educational institutions need to adapt to external changes for successful survival and functioning. These innovations influence on the development of the educational sector of the Ukrainian economic knowledge and allow enriching with new knowledge, capabilities, not only during the training cycle, but during the whole life, using technologies that facilitate studying. In this regard, the concept of knowledge management is considered. The detailed analysis of the economic knowledge in Ukraine, examining the education indices, the indices of the economic knowledge and its other indicators is carried out. The comparison of the Ukrainian economic knowledge development indices, indices of innovation and other countries’ indices is realized. As the result of the correlation analysis, the article shows the dependence of the higher and the professional education development on the value of innovation. The research results of the participants’ readiness in the project environment to the implement of innovative educational projects are shown. Graphical model-developed scheme with the help of the knowledge management processes has been proposed for the first time. This scheme shows that the knowledge management processes are being carried out according to four knowledge systems: root (initial) knowledge system, knowledge management methodology, management systems knowledge and knowledge of the tools of organizational perfection. The results of the study can be used in the educational process of the higher educational institution.

Author Biography

Орест Іванович Полотай, Lviv State University of life safety Kleparovska 35, Lwow, 79000


Department of Information Security Management


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How to Cite

Полотай, О. І. (2013). MODELS OF KNOWLEDGE - EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE IN-NOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 55–58.



Integrated strategic management, project management and software development companies and territorial