portfolio, energy industry, risks, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysisAbstract
The article concerns the application of the method of assessment of risks typical for projects and portfolios of the energy industry.
The main objective of the study is to identify risks groups for further development of the methods for the prevention of risks and their consequences. In the article we discuss the results of the qualitative analysis of groups of risks, affecting the planning and implementation of portfolios in the energy industry, in order to use them further for the quantitative analysis of the risks groups.
The presented method provides important information, using conventional mathematical and statistical tools for the analysis of risks groups of portfolios in the energy industry. The method was proposed to provide timely and quality decision-making of a portfolio manager. We propose to use the method of assessement of risks groups of portfolios to find consistency on the basis of different opinions of scientists, workers and managers of portfolios in the energy industry. The research results can be used by experts, planning and implementing portfolios in the energy industry.
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