
  • Віталій Сергійович Харута National transport university Suvorov, 1, Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine
  • Валерій Степанович Марунич National transport university Suvorov, 1, Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine
  • Ігор Миколайович Вакарчук National transport university Suvorov, 1, Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine



routing system, transportation network, personnel of transport, project envayronmentalny approach, the theory of precedent.


The article considers the question that a lot of haulers and transportation organizations realize the necessity of project management. In this connection, the aim of our research is to develop models and methods of team selection for the project that deals with effective passenger route system development, which is one of the factors that helps achieve the aims of the project.

The basic methods of research will be: theory of precedents, decision- making theory and mathematical methods of multicriterion evaluation  that are used to evaluate personnel and choose of optimal candidate for a position in a project; a method of expert estimations to form a portrait of an "ideal" employee and to evaluate the importance of criteria. Research of passenger transportation models will be based on systems approach, simulation techniques; theories of chances; graph and scheduling theory; economic-theoretical methods and dynamic programming.

The practical value of the achieved results is that the worked out models and methods will form a scientific-methodological basis for project management methodology and programs of municipal passenger rout systems development that will take into account team experience accumulated in the process of the project activity. Application of the achieved result will allow to enhance efficiency of team building due to the reduction of time necessary to select team members.

Author Biographies

Віталій Сергійович Харута, National transport university Suvorov, 1, Kyiv, 01010


Department of a transport right and logistic


Валерій Степанович Марунич, National transport university Suvorov, 1, Kyiv, 01010

Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor

Department of a transport right and logistic

Ігор Миколайович Вакарчук, National transport university Suvorov, 1, Kyiv, 01010

Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor

Department of a transport right and logistic


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How to Cite

Харута, В. С., Марунич, В. С., & Вакарчук, І. М. (2013). MUNICIPAL PASSENGER ROUTE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: TEAM BUILDING MODELS AND METHODS. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 41–45.



Integrated strategic management, project management and software development companies and territorial