
  • Вікторія Олександрівна Хрутьба National Transport University Suvorova 1, Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine



environmental management, creative model, project management.


Among the management practices of the principles of sustainable transport development and reduction the negative impact on the environment the undisputed leader is the implementation of environmental management system (EMS), which is based on the requirements of standard  ISO 14001:2006.

Adherence to principles of EMS allows to ensure efficient and effective management of the environmental aspects of business, control and minimize the environmental impact of all the processes of transport activity, but the systematic use of methods of project management is not adequately spread in solving the problem of improving the environmental performance of the transport enterprise. Application of project management approaches and programs in the implementation of environmental management systems to optimize the application resources to minimize the timing of its implementation, while ensuring high quality results.

The aim of the work is to develop creative model of EMS project implementation of transport enterprise, taking into account the conditions and constraints of the project. To achieve this, certain characteristics of the project implementation environmentally oriented enterprise management system was defined, the analysis of the project life cycle was carried out a creative design model implementation EMS of transport enterprise was formed.

Author Biography

Вікторія Олександрівна Хрутьба, National Transport University Suvorova 1, Kyiv, 01010


Associate Professor Ecology Department


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How to Cite

Хрутьба, В. О. (2013). CREATIVE MODEL OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TRANSPORT COMPANIES. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 38–40.



Integrated strategic management, project management and software development companies and territorial