Designing low viscosity furan-epoxy polymers of the materials for construction industry
furanepoxy reactive oligomer, aminecontaining curing agent, strength, sorption properties, adhesive strength, lowviscosity injection system, construction industryAbstract
The materials are designed and the properties are studied of the lowviscosity furanepoxy reactive oligomers, structured by amine complex curing agents for the use as injection systems during the repairing and recovery construction work. A wide range of the aminecontaining structuring agents that have industrial potential and ensure a high degree of conversion was analyzed.
This makes it possible to form the rational structure of furanepoxy polymers, which is due to the application of optimal parameters of structuring (temperature, concentration of ingredients, time and others) during the formation of the polymeric composition systems for construction purposes. The structuraltopological parameters were studied (traditional topological criterion of Wiener and others) and certain parameters of reactivity (structural functionality, formal unlimitedness, the index of distribution of electron density on the atoms of molecule, etc.) parent substances (monomers) during obtaining furanepoxy materials. The knowledge of this set of characteristics makes it possible to purposefully regulate structure and properties of the designed lowviscosity injection furanepoxy polymeric materials.
The deformationstrength, adhesive, sorption, technological properties of the proposed lowviscosity injection furan epoxy polymers for construction purposes were explored. As a result of the optimal combination of the set of structuraltopological parameters and technological factors, the high level of physicalmechanical, adhesive properties, water resistance of the designed composite materials is ensured.
The development of composite polymeric systems was accomplished with the use of the “green chemistry” principles.References
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