E-readiness evaluation modelling for monitoring the national e-government programme (by the example of Ukraine)
е-government, e-readiness, online service, stakeholders, programme management, management maturityAbstract
The study has produced a critical review of the current approaches to developing international indices on the e-maturity of a country and analysed their criteria system. The authors have identified the specific dynamics of the programme “Electronic Ukraine” on the basis of sub-indexes of international systems of e-governance assessment. Ukraine, with its consistently high rates of human capital and progress in the development of the telecommunications infrastructure index, has been found prone to regression in terms of its online services index (OSI). Therefore, it has been suggested to use a system of weighting coefficients instead of the average weight measurement system of e-development (the United Nations E-Government Development Index). The authors have revealed that online services in Ukraine are mostly narrow-focused on providing information, whereas the transaction and participatory forms remain underdeveloped. To achieve progress at all OSI stages, the study suggests extending the system of sub-indexes in terms of assessing the e-readiness management level (both the political and legal environment for implementing e-projects and the main stakeholders). The four stages of OSI development have been extrapolated onto the Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM), and dependence has been revealed between the development of transactional services and the achievement of the third level in the management system (“a singular methodology”). The study offers recommendations for effective management of e-government programmes as to the choice of criteria for monitoring e-projects. The authors suggest evaluating the implementation of the “Electronic Ukraine” programme by the following parameters: “conformity to the strategy”, “realistic programme feasibility achieved by the project team”, “stakeholders’ influence”, and “compliance with the beneficiaries’ needs”. Eventually, the study has developed a model of evaluating the Electronic Ukraine programme with regard to the problem of multi-criteria mathematical programming. The suggested system of evaluating progress in the implementation of e-programmes contains sub-indexes that attract the stakeholders’ attention not only to the individual values obtainable by achieving the objectives of a programme but also, in the case of Ukraine, to the possible progress of the country in improving its position according to global indexes.
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