Low-waste ion exchange technology of extraction of nitrogen compounds from water
waste recycling, regeneration, ammonium, nitrates, ion exchangeAbstract
The processes of sorption of nitrates on a lowbase anionite Dowex Marathone from acidic and neutral solutions were researched. It is shown that the application of the anionite in the main form provides effective extraction of nitrates from acidic solutions in the presence of chlorides and sulfates at high values of exchanging dynamic capacity of anionite by nitrates. The use of solutions of ammonia for the regeneration of anionite provides a complete restoration of the capacity of anionite with nonsignificant remnants of ammonia. Exhausted solutions after the regeneration and neutralization contain mostly ammonium nitrate, therefore they are suitable for the production of liquid fertilizers.
It was found that the extraction of the hardness ions from water on the cationites in acidic form increases the exchanging capacity of cationites on ammonium ions. During the process of water treatment it is advisable to use a twostage cationization while applying subacid cationite in acidic form during the first stage and highlyacid cationite also in acidic form. This scheme is reasonable during the water purification with high hydrocarbonate alkalinity. In other case the application of a subacid cationite is not effective.
It is shown that the cationite in the ammonium form is advisable to regenerate by the solutions of nitric acid, which provides the recycling of exhausted regenerative solutions with obtaining liquid fertilizers.
The conceptual technological scheme of a lowwaste technology of water purification from nitrogen compounds was designed, based on a twostage cationization of water on the cationites in acidic form and extraction of anions on the lowbase anionite in the main form, which provides an effective extraction of nitrogen compounds from the water.References
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