A method of establishing regional standards of surface water quality under anthropogenic loads
wastewater, water body, pollutant, quality standards, control point, permissible discharge, local siteAbstract
The study analyses the existing methodological framework of estimating a rational wastewater discharge into water bodies. It has been proven that it is impossible to use the basin principle of calculating permissible wastewater discharges into watercourses within the boundaries of administrative regions. It is suggested to divide a river basin into local sites, which entails the need to establish regional standards for natural water quality that would be more rigid in comparison with the officially established ones. The purpose of establishing these standards is to provide relatively equal economic conditions for enterprises located in the lower and upper parts of a river basin. An algorithm is suggested for determining regional water quality standards. Its characteristic features are the division of a river basin into local sites, accounting for the degree of selfpurification of water in a WB according to the considered indicators of contamination, and control over the impact of water treatment facilities of waterusing enterprises. The study describes a demonstrational example calculation for the Udy river (Kharkiv region, Ukraine). Phosphates are chosen as an indicator of natural water quality in the demonstrational example. The major research result is that in some cases the calculated regional regulations are more than twice stricter than the conventional values. The findings of this study may be useful in the improvement of the water protection legislation both in terms of setting standards of natural water quality and a refinement of the methodological basis of calculating the MPD.
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