Information synthesis of adaptive system for visual diagnostics of emotional and mental state of a person




optimization, information-extreme intelligent technology, information criterion, psychodiagnostics, training, criteria of functional efficiency


The visual method of the recognition of emotional and mental state of a person by his face images was proposed. An input mathematical description of psychodiagnostic system was formed according to the results of the analysis of the left and right hemisphere images of the face of a person. Information synthesis of the system was carried out in the framework of the information-extreme intelligence technologies of data analysis, which is based on maximizing the performance of machine learning. In this case, the effect of the RGB-components of color images on the functional efficiency of machine training of psychodiagnostic system was studied. The proposed method, unlike the existing methods,  allows improving the accuracy of psychodiagnostics through the application of the developed modification of entropic criterion, capable to capture the smallest changes in the face images, which occur under the influence of external exciting factors. By the results of the physical simulation it was proved that the RGB-components of a color image of the face of person affect differently the information capability of the system. It was established that the exclusion from the input matrix of the recognition features for the red component of the image improves functional efficiency of psychodiagnostic system. In addition, the exclusion from the RGB-spectrum of the blue and green components do not change the value of information criterion, but they cannot be excluded from this spectrum, since they become informative in the complex. The obtained scientific results are of great practical importance for determining emotional and mental state of a person, for example, when evaluating his suitability for a profession, ability to perform his functional duties, especially under extreme conditions, etc. Besides, the obtained results allow assessing functional efficiency of correction of emotional and mental state of a patient.

Author Biographies

Anatoliy Dovbysh, Sumy state University Rimsky-Korsakov str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Doctor of technical science, Professor, head of department

Department of computer science

Igor Shelehov, Sumy state University Rimsky-Korsakov str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

PhD, Associate professor

Department of computer science

Dmitriy Prylepa, Sumy state University Rimsky-Korsakov str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Postgraduate student

Department of computer science

Ivan Golub, Sumy state University Rimsky-Korsakov str., 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007


Department of computer science


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How to Cite

Dovbysh, A., Shelehov, I., Prylepa, D., & Golub, I. (2016). Information synthesis of adaptive system for visual diagnostics of emotional and mental state of a person. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(9(82), 11–17.



Information and controlling system