The study of biologically active substances of chaenomelesand the products of its processing




chaenomeles, chemical composition, chromatograms, procyanidin, aromatic substances, sauce, flour products


The importance of developing food products of improved biological value to ensure the healthy nourishment of the population was analyzed. The prospects of using plant raw materials as a source of biologically active components were shown. The chemical composition of chaenomeles fruit and of the products of its processing was determined. The biological value of the components of the fruit was explored, and it was found that maximum amount of L­ascorbic acid is contained in the pulp of the fruit and that maximum amount of phenolic substances is contained in the peels of the fruit. With the help of chromatographic studies, it was established that the products of chaenomeles processing have significant content of organic acids, among which malic, quinic, citric and succinic acids were identified, malic acid is dominant amomg them. The sugars, found in the fruit of chaenomeles, are represented by fructose, glucose and saccharose, among them fructose and glucose prevail. The raw material contains procyanidins, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavones and flavan­3­ols, among them procyanidin trimmer, chlorogenic acid, rutin and epicatechine dominate, which have high antioxidant properties. In the products of chaenomeles processing, 48 types of aromatic compounds were identified, among which prevail alcohols, acids, ethers and unsaturated carbohydrates that give products of chaenomeles processing unique aroma and predetermine their antibacterial properties.

The products of chaenomeles processing (juice, puree) are a valuable source of organic acids; they were used as a natural regulator of acidity and as an antioxidant in manufacturing products from flour yeast dough. Puree fromchaenomeles contains a significant amount of pectic substances and was used in the production of fruit sauces as a structuring agent. An increase in the organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators in fruit sauces and flour products with the use of products of chaenomeles processing was established.

Author Biographies

Galina Khomych, Poltava University of Economics and Trade Kovalya str., 3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor

Department of Food industry technologies and restaurant industry

Aleksandra Horobetc, Poltava University of Economics and Trade Kovalya str., 3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36014


Department of Food industry technologies and restaurant industry

Yliya Levchenko, Poltava University of Economics and Trade Kovalya str., 3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36014


Department of Food industry technologies and restaurant industry

Anzhela Boroday, Poltava University of Economics and Trade Kovalya str., 3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate professor

Department of Food industry technologies and restaurant industry

Nataliia Ishchenko, Poltava University of Economics and Trade Kovalya str., 3, Poltava, Ukraine, 36014

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Food industry technologies and restaurant industry


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How to Cite

Khomych, G., Horobetc, A., Levchenko, Y., Boroday, A., & Ishchenko, N. (2016). The study of biologically active substances of chaenomelesand the products of its processing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11(82), 29–35.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production