Assessment of safety index for water ecological system




ecological safety index, water ecosystem, stonobionts, mortality rate, ecosafety management algorithm


The harmful effect of wastewater factor on stenobiont organisms of the Gammaridae family is experimentally determined. Based on the defined environmental characteristics of aquatic organisms in the estuarine complex of the Southern Bug river (Mykolaiv region, Ukraine), the calculated ecological system safety index, which can vary in the range 0˂ESI˂1, takes the value of 0.18. This suggests a crisis ecological situation in the ecological system of the river and is confirmed by the graphic and analytical material, presented in the paper.

Double integration (using living organisms as an integrated status indicator of the river, the lower reaches of which fully reflects the level of balance of the “man-nature” system in its basin) allows speaking about considering the principle of comprehensiveness in the evaluation results. The causal relationships between the economic complex of human and the natural systems, which primarily determine the low current value of the proposed index are analyzed. The experimental work with further ESI calculations proves the failure of regulatory evaluation of the concept of human impact on the environment to ensure the objectivity of evaluation. The result of the research is the practical implementation of new theoretical developments in the field of safety assessment of ecological systems. The resulting index value correlates well with both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the studied water ecosystem. The theoretical work on the algorithm of ensuring (management) the ecological safety of natural and socio-natural systems is also extended. The developed technique can also be used to assess the social, economic development components and for a generalized indicator of sustainable development.

Author Biographies

Yevhen Bezsonov, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University 68 Desantnykiv str., 10, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 54003

Postgraduate student

Department of Ecology and Nature Management

Viacheslav Andreev, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University 68 Desantnykiv str., 10, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 54003

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ecology and Nature Management

Viktor Smyrnov, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University 68 Desantnykiv str., 10, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 54003

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ecology and Nature Management


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How to Cite

Bezsonov, Y., Andreev, V., & Smyrnov, V. (2016). Assessment of safety index for water ecological system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10 (84), 24–34.