Development of information technology of design of rational structure of databases


  • Олександр Вячеславович Петриченко Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenin Avenue, 14, c. Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



database, information system, instrumental sowing, subject area, design, repository.


The article is devoted to the development of models and algorithms of synthesis of rational database structures of information systems to improve their efficiency. The suggested models, algorithms and elements of information technology, based on them, can be used in the design of many classes of information systems. Also, the article presents the tool method of design of databases that implements the elements of the proposed technology and provides a rational database structure as SQL-file, according to stipulated criteria. Using the results of the work, a designer can specify the unformalized data as to the subject area, carry out a survey of experts, using the tool method in the interactive mode for collection of data about the introduced objects of the subject area and their properties, then submit the preferences as to the future structure of the dataware in the form of multi-parameter model of optimization and get the database structure.

Author Biography

Олександр Вячеславович Петриченко, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenin Avenue, 14, c. Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of information management systems


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How to Cite

Петриченко, О. В. (2013). Development of information technology of design of rational structure of databases. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(61), 61–64.



Information technology