Demands to test signal reproduction while using the method of errors correction


  • Євген Олександрович Поляков Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University. str. Petrovsky, 25, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



metrological support, test signals, inverse problem, signal reconstruction, genetic algorithm.


Determination of the dynamic characteristics of sensors is the important problem in metrology. To solve this problem the approximate method of input signal reconstruction is used. The impulse characteristics and parameters of input signals are evaluated while using the proposed method. Usually sensor characteristics are identified by means of a special experiment in which a test signal comes to the sensor input. Deterministic test signals are more accurately reproduced compared to the random ones. The influence of errors of a harmonic test signal reproduction on the accuracy of an input signal reconstruction is considered in the article. The analytical results indicate a good quality of test signals reconstruction.

Author Biography

Євген Олександрович Поляков, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University. str. Petrovsky, 25, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002


Department of "Metrology and life safety".


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How to Cite

Поляков, Є. О. (2013). Demands to test signal reproduction while using the method of errors correction. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(61), 65–67.



Information technology