Performance of DVB-T/DVB-T2 digital broadcasting systems in the presence of quadrature impairments


  • Володимир Богданович Баляр Institute of Radio, Television and Electronics Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications. AS Popova str. Blacksmith, 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine



DVB-T / DVB-T2, quadrature distortion measurements, technical quality, Matlab.


In this article author’s study results in direction of performance analysis of digital terrestrial television broadcasting system in DVB-T and DVB-T2 standards in combined influence of quadrature impairments and AWGN. Main purpose of studies is estimation of technical operational quality degradation in such systems in different conditions of performance non-ideality of quadrature modulator/ demodulator with different relationship between impairments for combined influence. For this the simulation model of DVB-T2 system path providing possibility of quantitative and qualitative estimation of technical operational quality in condition of quadrature impairments and AWGN is implemented in Matlab/ Simulink mathematical modelling environment. As a result quantitative and qualitative estimations of DVB-T rand DVB-T2 performance in condition of combined influence of quadrature impairments, i.e. I/Q amplitude and phase imbalance, and AWGN, with definition of threshold levels of impairments are provided for the first time. Moreover indepth analysis of influence of configuration choice of DVB-T/DVB-T2 systems on acceptable impairment level during appearing of I/Q amplitude and phase imbalance and AWGN are carried out. Derived values can be used for such impairment level fixing and control during technical maintenance, certification tests and starting-up/adjustment work.

Author Biography

Володимир Богданович Баляр, Institute of Radio, Television and Electronics Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications. AS Popova str. Blacksmith, 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

Senior Lecturer

Department of Television and Radio


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How to Cite

Баляр, В. Б. (2013). Performance of DVB-T/DVB-T2 digital broadcasting systems in the presence of quadrature impairments. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(61), 68–71.



Information technology