Influence of complex activators of sintering on creating radiotransparent ceramics in SrO–Al2O3–SiO2




strontium anorthite, sintering enhancer, radio transparent ceramic eutectic, the dielectric permittivity


The study has solved the problem of obtaining densely sintered ceramics at a low firing temperature on the basis of the system SrO–Al2O3–SiO2. This was made possible after researching the influence of complex activators of sintering, selected among fluorides of alkali metals, and an oxide combination of stannum and lithium on the process of synthesizing strontium anorthite ceramics.

The tests have proved that it is technologically advisable to use the complex sintering activators LiF–NaF and SnO2–Li2O due to their low-temperature eutectics and beneficial effects on the structure and properties of strontium ceramics.

The experiments were used to study the impact of the complex sintering activators of a fluxing action in the amounts of 1–3 wt. %, with eutectic ratios of the components, on the low-temperature synthesis of strontium anorthite. The tests have confirmed the possibility of activating the reaction that produces the intermediate phase of silicate strontium, which reduces the temperature of firing strontium anorthite ceramics. The resulting ceramic material, based on a crystalline phase, is strontium anorthite, which was obtained at a synthesis temperature of 1,250 °C after adding 2 wt. % of Li2CO3+SnO2 to the composition “0” with the following properties: water absorption – 5.52 %, apparent density – 2.88 g/cm3, the dielectric constant – 9.7, and the dielectric loss tangent – 0.06.

Author Biographies

Georgij Lisachuk, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Bagaliya str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department ceramics, refractories, glass and enamel

Ruslan Kryvobok, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Bagaliya str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Senior Research

Department of engineering ceramics, refractories, glass and enamel

Artem Zakharov, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Bagaliya str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Junior Researcher

Department of engineering ceramics, refractories, glass and enamel

Vitaliy Tsovma, Pology Chemical Plant Сoagulant ALC Lesi Ukrainki str., 243, Pology, Zaporizhia region, Ukraine, 70605

PhD, Chief Technologist of Construction Materials 

Olena Lapuzina, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Bagaliya str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Professor

Department of engineering ceramics, refractories, glass and enamel


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How to Cite

Lisachuk, G., Kryvobok, R., Zakharov, A., Tsovma, V., & Lapuzina, O. (2017). Influence of complex activators of sintering on creating radiotransparent ceramics in SrO–Al2O3–SiO2. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(6 (85), 10–15.



Technology organic and inorganic substances