Effect of altitudinal zonation on the state of a driver when driving in mountainous region


  • Микола Миколайович Жук National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Str. S. Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
  • Микола Васильович Бойків National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Str. S. Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine




Driving conditions, altitudinal zonation, tension index, reliability of driving


Drivers’ errors cause a large number of road accidents. The regularities of change in psychophysiological state of a driver in mountainous conditions have been studied insufficiently. The article presents the results of the study of changes in psychophysiological state of a driver while driving in a mountainous region. With the change of altitudinal zonation the simultaneous change of atmospheric pressure, climate and meteorological conditions occurs. As an index, on the basis of which the driver’s state was analyzed, we selected the tension index of regulatory systems. Obtained dependence of tension index on the altitudinal zonation of roads indicates that such change of the tension index affects negatively the functional state of a driver. Long and intensive driving with simultaneous change of climatic conditions with the altitude leads to overstrain of driver’ nervous system, and requires constant attention that affects significantly the psychophysiological reliability of driving

Author Biographies

Микола Миколайович Жук, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Str. S. Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013

Кандидат технічних наук, доцент

Доцент кафедри «Транспортні технології»

Микола Васильович Бойків, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Str. S. Bandera, 12, Lviv, 79013


Department of "Transport Technologies"


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How to Cite

Жук, М. М., & Бойків, М. В. (2013). Effect of altitudinal zonation on the state of a driver when driving in mountainous region. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3(61), 33–35. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.9147



Control systems