The method of variable structure project plan formation for complex engineering products


  • Сергій Олександрович Коба Kharkiv National Aerospace University named by N.E. Zhukovsky “KhAI” Chkalova 17, Kharkov, 61070, Ukraine



Production planning, project matrix, project structure


Despite the huge amount of existing product development and production planning systems (ERP, APS), these systems still need mechanisms for detailed project schedule forming. The new method of general project plan forming for complex engineering products creation was developed based on operations of matrixes transformations. This method allows forming a united project plan by combining the typical stages of product life cycle. Also it takes into account different types of work organization. This approach to project plan generation can be used in project variants modeling to analyze technical and economic indicators of the project using different sequences of project stages. The results of modeling can be easily exported to the existing planning systems for further analyses. The tasks of current article are the part of risk oriented system use case. Further development of basic plan and risk factors effects integration methods allows analyzing the influence of risk factors on technical and economic project indicators

Author Biography

Сергій Олександрович Коба, Kharkiv National Aerospace University named by N.E. Zhukovsky “KhAI” Chkalova 17, Kharkov, 61070

Postgraduate student

Department of aircraft design information technologies


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How to Cite

Коба, С. О. (2013). The method of variable structure project plan formation for complex engineering products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3(61), 39–42.



Control systems