Increase of oil-and-gas bearing rocks permeability with the help of hydrogen activation
hydrogen permeability, core, diffusion, well, activation.Abstract
The performance of oil, gas and gas condensate wells is determined by the qualitative condition of the bottomhole zone of a rock, which is mainly characterized by its permeability, that is, the ability to filter the wells for extraction of hydrocarbons. This characteristic of the rock tends to deteriorate from the moment of first opening of the rock, and continues to deteriorate during the operation of the well. Nowadays, to increase the permeability of oil-and-gas rocks, various methods of physical and chemical effects are widely used. The article is dedicated to a new direction of increase of the permeability of oil-and gas rocks, based on their treatment by atomic and molecular hydrogen.The results of experimental studies were presented. They proved that hydrogen is an activator of the diffusion processes in the oil-and-gas bearing rocks, and it increases their permeability. Moreover, the maximum increase of the permeability of cores was reached by the effect of the atomic and molecular hydrogen, produced in a reactor by hydrolysis of hydroreacting substances directly during the processing.
The results of the studies offer the perspectives for application of hydrogen technologies for intensification of oil, gas and gas condensate extraction.
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