Formation of casting with complex internal cavities by means of metal rods


  • Александр Анатольевич Бондарь Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine
  • Юрий Михайлович Дудзинский Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine
  • Людмила Игоревна Солоненко Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine
  • Кристина Витальевна Колесник Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine



rods, casings, metal, fusible.


Nowadays, there is a significant demand for molded pieces, which do not require subsequent machining. Especially it is topical for complex internal cavities of high quality. On the one hand, it is impossible to obtain the cavities of such quality by means of the sandy-argillaceous rods without subsequent machining, on the other hand, such mechanical treatment is complicated, because it is impossible to bring the cutting tool to the work surface.
The article suggests the technology of production of the complex internal cavities by means of the fusible metal rods of high quality. This approach allows us, besides the above, to provide improvement of the operating abilities, such as, corrosion resistance, due to the casing on the internal cavity.
This technology can be used in the production of cooled pistons of internal combustion engines, hydraulic equipment, etc. The article also discusses and suggests the best choices of the materials for the casing.

Author Biographies

Александр Анатольевич Бондарь, Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044

Associate professor

Department of technologies of management castings processes

Юрий Михайлович Дудзинский, Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044


Department of physics

Людмила Игоревна Солоненко, Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044

Department of technologies of management castings processes

Кристина Витальевна Колесник, Odessa national polytechnic university boul. of Shevchenko, 1a, Odessa, 65044

Department of technologies of management castings processes


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How to Cite

Бондарь, А. А., Дудзинский, Ю. М., Солоненко, Л. И., & Колесник, К. В. (2013). Formation of casting with complex internal cavities by means of metal rods. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(5(61), 38–40.