Formation of structure and properties of heat-strengthened reinforcing bar in the flow of jobbing mill


  • Дмитро Юрійович Клюєв DVNZ “Krivorozkiy national University” str. 22th Partsiezda,11, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50027, Ukraine
  • Сергій Борисович Комлєв SRD №2, «AMKR» Krivoy Rog, str. Ordzonikidze,1, Ukraine
  • Сергій Олегович Мацишин DVNZ “Krivorozkiy national University” str. 22th Partsiezda,11, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50027, Ukraine



structure, heat-strengthened reinforcing bar, broken hardening.


The article presents the results of our studies in heat strengthening. Although there are many works, investigating heat strengthening of a reinforcing bar, modern literature could not provide sufficient information on formation of the structure and properties of reinforcement by broken hardening. To obtain the reinforcement with necessary distribution of the microstructure on the cross section, we have developed two modes of heat strengthening, varying by water pressure, supplied to the first section (mode 1 - 0.8 MPa, mode 2 - 1.5 MPa). The water pressure in the second and third sections, and the speed of rolling at two modes were similar and were equal to 0.6 MPa and 11.8 m/s respectively. The microstructures analysis showed that after the first mode of heat strengthening the structure consisted of colonies of quasieutectoid and rod cementite. After the second mode the structure consisted of bainite over the entire section.
The above results, obtained from experiments in the flow of jobbing mill 250-1 produced by public company «AMKR», confirmed the possibility of obtaining new data on the features of the phase transformations of austenite and the formation of such structure on the cross section of the reinforcement, which was little known. The use of broken hardening showed that such mechanical properties as strength and flexibility met the requirements of international standards. This improves handling of the process of the formation of structure and properties of bar, as well as adds to it additional consumer properties.

Author Biographies

Дмитро Юрійович Клюєв, DVNZ “Krivorozkiy national University” str. 22th Partsiezda,11, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50027


Department of Metallurgical technology

Сергій Борисович Комлєв, SRD №2, «AMKR» Krivoy Rog, str. Ordzonikidze,1

Chief assistant of department from technology

Сергій Олегович Мацишин, DVNZ “Krivorozkiy national University” str. 22th Partsiezda,11, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, 50027

Postgraduate student, assistant of chair

Department of Metal pressure working and metallurgical equipment


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How to Cite

Клюєв, Д. Ю., Комлєв, С. Б., & Мацишин, С. О. (2013). Formation of structure and properties of heat-strengthened reinforcing bar in the flow of jobbing mill. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(5(61), 45–48.