Research of rational placement of damper in boom system of self-propelled crane


  • Олег Степанович Подоляк Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogics Academy Universitetskaya 16, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine



dynamic fluctuations, forces, damper, load, boom system.


During the operation of boom cranes, the longitudinal dynamic fluctuations appear in metalware and in ropes of the boom system. This leads to the reduction of fatigue strength and impairs the conditions of the normal operation of the crane. One of the criteria for assessing the quality indices of the transients is a dynamism coefficient, which has the greatest values when lifting a load from a stiff foundation. To study the dynamic processes a mathematical model was developed. It permitted to take into account the peculiarities of the design of suspension of the load and boom, the reduced strength of the drive, the effect of dissipative forces and the coefficient of damping of oscillation absorbers. After the solution of the differential equations we have obtained the dependences of formations of forces in the elements of metalware. Due to these dependencies we have determined that installation of the damper in the suspension of the load increased significantly the qualitative indices of the transients. Also the dependences showed that the installation of the damper in the system of the boom suspension had had no significant effect on the damping of oscillations and had been ineffective.

Author Biography

Олег Степанович Подоляк, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogics Academy Universitetskaya 16, Kharkov, 61003

Department of cutting equipment and transport systems


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How to Cite

Подоляк, О. С. (2013). Research of rational placement of damper in boom system of self-propelled crane. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(7(61), 13–15.



Applied mechanics