Briquetting of wastes from the production of ferrosilicon


  • Тимофій Федорович Жуковський Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems, str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine
  • Олена Леонідівна Проценко Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems, str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



wastes, dust, ferrosilicon, bonding material, briquetting, strength, DC smelter.


The article discusses the application of the method of briquetting as a method of preparation of ferroalloy production wastes for the melting, applying obtained pellets as a charge or additives to charge of the DC smelter. The main objective of the research is to develop the chemical and granulometric compositions of the wastes from production of ferrosilicon and to determine experimentally the optimum process parameters, which allow effective briquetting that will meet the requirements, when using briquettes, while smelting ferrosilicon by the method of electroslag remelting in DC smelters.
The use of modern means, while determining the basic physical and chemical characteristics of wastes from the production of FeSi (chemical and granulometric composition, humidity, bulk density, flowability, etc.) allowed the formation of charge composition (wastes + bonding materials) to conduct research on its briquetting.
The experimental studies on wastes briquetting from the production of ferrosilicon with bonding materials were conducted. The compressible materials included dust from the smelting of ferrosilicon in furnaces of battery type, dust, caught in dust and gas cleaning units, and an organic additive. Pellets were obtained; their mechanical strength was determined.
The suggested method of obtaining the waste briquettes and their use while smelting FeSi will increase economic indicators of production and at the same time will improve the environmental situation in the area where an enterprise is located.

Author Biographies

Тимофій Федорович Жуковський, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems, str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Associate Professor

Head of the laboratory analysis of the air quality, the development of legal documentation and air protection measures

Олена Леонідівна Проценко, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems, str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

PhD student, Research Assistant

Laboratory analysis of the air quality, the development of legal documentation and air protection measures


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How to Cite

Жуковський, Т. Ф., & Проценко, О. Л. (2013). Briquetting of wastes from the production of ferrosilicon. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(8(61), 4–8.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment