Calculation of EMF resonance frequency for presowing processing of sugar beet seeds


  • Александр Анатольевич Оленюк Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture of the Peter Vasilenko, str. Artem, 44, Kharkov 61002, Ukraine



sugar beet seeds, frequency EMF, seed dressing.


In this paper a mathematical model was developed to describe the process ofdiffraction of monochromatic electromagnetic radiation on bio sugar beet seeds. Radiation was modelled by dielectric body with a spherical boundary-dimensional surface exposed to small perturbations overload. The analysis of model is based on two methods - generalized method of oscillations and perturbation method.
By theoretical studies the characteristic equation was obtained for determining the frequency of the exciting electromagnetic wave in which the amplitude of the electric field within the sugar beet seed takes on the maximum value.
The calculated value of the resonance frequency of EMF for sugar beet seed allows along with other parameters of the EMF to increase yields of sugar beet through presowing its seeds.

Author Biography

Александр Анатольевич Оленюк, Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture of the Peter Vasilenko, str. Artem, 44, Kharkov 61002



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How to Cite

Оленюк, А. А. (2013). Calculation of EMF resonance frequency for presowing processing of sugar beet seeds. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(9(61), 13–16.



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