Methods of optimization for mesh network in ZigBee
ZigBee, mesh topology, optimization methods, the method of Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra method.Abstract
The article analyses the existing methods of routing optimization in the wireless sensor networks ZigBee with a mesh topology. The article suggests the solution of the problem of determination of the length of the shortest path by different methods.The aim of this work is to determine the advantages and drawbacks of the main optimization methods, when applied to a simple mesh network, which is achieved through a phased solution of the optimization problem, that is the determination of the length of the shortest path by Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra, Floyd and the matrix methods.
Each method of solution of the optimization problem is connected with multiple operations which require the additional information about the numbering of nodes and priorities in the selection of routes. The advantages of the methods were defined by the application in the best known routing protocols of the sensor networks. The deficiencies should be considered:
- The method of Bellman-Ford branches the problem of the determination of the shortest path and requires additional information;
- Dijkstra method takes into account the additional information about nodes, sequentially searches all the vertices (visited and unvisited) and does not give the conception of the optimal path. There is information only on the set of unvisited vertices and the assigning of labels to them that must be kept and updated;
- Floyd method requires information about the numbering of the vertices in order to find the optimal path;
- Matrix method, despite the need for translation of the original matrix and the accounting for transactions with infinities, leads to a rapid and obvious solution of the problem of the shortest path and to the possible alternatives of use of calculated “minimal” paths between nodes in an increasing order.
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