Analysis of the structural execution of main beams of the loading cranes


  • Віктор Петрович Шепотько Donbass State Engineering Academy Str. Shkadinova, 72, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region., 84313, Ukraine
  • Павло Анатолійович Гавриш Donbass State Engineering Academy Str. Shkadinova, 72, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region., 84313, Ukraine



Structural stress concentrator, normal stress, butt weld, lead plates, upper zone


Despite traditional methods of the analysis of decrease in durability of the welded metal construction, the insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of constructive performance of welded knots. The analysis of decrease in durability of welded knots, after repair of a crane metal construction based on a technique of the analysis of constructive performance of welded knots is provided in article.

Evident confirmation the influence of the concentrators of tension on decrease in cyclic durability is presented. The example of performance of technology preventing emergence of constructive concentrators of tension is set. Advanced welding materials and technology of repair which allow increasing durability of welded knots of a metal construction, at the expense the application of the offered technology and improvement of welding materials are offered

Author Biographies

Віктор Петрович Шепотько, Donbass State Engineering Academy Str. Shkadinova, 72, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region., 84313

Senior research associate, head of the test laboratory of technical diagnostics 

Павло Анатолійович Гавриш, Donbass State Engineering Academy Str. Shkadinova, 72, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region., 84313

Ph.D., Senior research associate, Senior teacher


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How to Cite

Шепотько, В. П., & Гавриш, П. А. (2013). Analysis of the structural execution of main beams of the loading cranes. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(7(62), 64–66.



Applied mechanics