Automatic laser systems operational control of the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere


  • Леонід Феоктистович Чорногор Kharkiv National University Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine
  • Олександр Сергійович Рашкевич Public Service for Emergency Situations of Ukraine in Kharkov region Moskovsky ave, 275, Kharkov, 61155, Ukraine



Pollutants, laser diagnostics, differential resonant absorption, route air sounding


The article focuses on the actual problem of air pollution. The main objective of the study was to create continuous methods and technical means to control the concentration of pollutants emitted from the organized and unorganized sources of industrial enterprises, which were devoid of drawbacks of sampling methods for periodic control and which provided timely continuous control for safe working conditions and living standards of population in the industrialized areas. As result of research, we have improved the methods of laser diagnostics to control the pollutants emitted to the atmosphere by industrial enterprises, and have provided the determination of the concentration of substances in real time at the output of the emission source. We have worked out the automated laser system of operational high-precision, highly sensitive control of the concentration of pollutants at the output of the industrial source to the atmosphere, based on the frequency-reconfigurable CO2 laser

Author Biographies

Леонід Феоктистович Чорногор, Kharkiv National University Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkov, 61077

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Faculty of Radiophysics

Олександр Сергійович Рашкевич, Public Service for Emergency Situations of Ukraine in Kharkov region Moskovsky ave, 275, Kharkov, 61155



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How to Cite

Чорногор, Л. Ф., & Рашкевич, О. С. (2013). Automatic laser systems operational control of the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(62), 39–42.



Applied Information Technology