Recycling of precious metals


  • Вадим Володимирович Рибій Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006, Ukraine
  • Віктор Миколайович Бредихін Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006, Ukraine
  • Іван Федорович Червоний Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006, Ukraine
  • Микола Олександрович Маняк Donetsk National Technical University Artem str., , 58, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83001, Ukraine



Radio-electronic scrap, grinding, separation, acid leaching, melting, electrolysis


The article presents the analysis of the recycling of electronic equipment and drawing of precious metals. The alternative recycling methods, such as acid leaching and waste melting in the molten copper were considered. The acid leaching of the concentrate was conducted with aqua regis (HNO3 + HCl, in a ratio of 1:3). The dissolution of gold, silver and platinum was carried out in an aqueous acid solution. The thermodynamic analysis of the reactions showed that the acid leaching is most favorable for metals such as platinum and silver. As an alternative, the concentrate after the concentration was melted in the crucible. Copper was used as a basis. The melting was carried out in an induction furnace at 1250 ... 1450 °С. The process of refinement of the copper melt was performed by air blowing. At temperatures above 1030 °С the reaction of Cu2O formation and oxidation of the impurities dissolved in the copper proceed. This forms the oxide of impurities that float on the surface of the bath in the form of slag. Thus refined copper containing dissolved precious metals is sent to electrolysis to produce the electrolytic copper and electrolysis slime concentrated by gold, platinum and silver. The resulting slime is sent further to the hydrometallurgical recycling in order to separate precious metals

Author Biographies

Вадим Володимирович Рибій, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006


The Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy

Віктор Миколайович Бредихін, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006

Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Department of non-ferrous metals and construction materials

Іван Федорович Червоний, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

The Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy

Микола Олександрович Маняк, Donetsk National Technical University Artem str., , 58, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83001

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of non-ferrous metals and construction materials


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How to Cite

Рибій, В. В., Бредихін, В. М., Червоний, І. Ф., & Маняк, М. О. (2013). Recycling of precious metals. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(5(63), 35–38.