Prospects of logistic industrial complexes in Ukraine


  • Ірина Володимирівна Морозова Odessa national marine university Mechnikova, 34, Odessa, 65029, Ukraine
  • Майя Євгенівна Перепічко Odessa national marine university Mechnikova, 34, Odessa, 65029, Ukraine



Industrial park, seaport, logistics services, innovation centers, port system


The purpose of the article is to identify the concept of "industrial park", to determine the distinctive features of industrial parks from other parks, to form a systemic view of the object and to assess the prospects of industrial parks in our country.

We had to define the notion of the industrial park and its differences from other parks. To this end, the article analyzes the definitions of different authors and provides a conclusion: the difference is determined by the dominance of one of the components in the functional purpose of the park.

On the basis of the results of the analysis of the various definitions and main provisions of the law of Ukraine "On the industrial parks" (registration number 8396) the systematic concept of the industrial park was formed.

Experience in the creation of certain industrial parks in Ukraine cannot be considered a success. The reasons are a bad choice of location, the lack of a proper amount of design studies and a low level of management.

A prospective direction in the creation of industrial parks in Ukraine is believed to be the use of the port area

Author Biographies

Ірина Володимирівна Морозова, Odessa national marine university Mechnikova, 34, Odessa, 65029

Doctor of economic sciences, professor

department of «Exploitation of marine ports»

Майя Євгенівна Перепічко, Odessa national marine university Mechnikova, 34, Odessa, 65029

Graduate student

department of «Exploitation of marine ports»


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How to Cite

Морозова, І. В., & Перепічко, М. Є. (2013). Prospects of logistic industrial complexes in Ukraine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3(63), 4–9.



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