Methods of the active radiointerference protection of the meteoric adiolocation system




meteor, meteor radiolocation, ionosphere, interference, correlation, sequence, noise-like signal


Two methods of active protection of the meteor automated radiolocation system with interference, caused by backscatter sounding (BSS) of the atmosphere were developed in the paper. Such interference occurs when the signal, reflected from the meteor trail (useful signal) and the signal, reflected from the ionosphere (BSS interference) come simultaneously to the meteor radiolocation system receiver input. This interference does not allow to conduct studies of meteors since the useful signal can be absolutely invisible on their background, and most of the important information is lost. During studies, two methods for active BSS interference protection were proposed. The main purpose of these methods is to distinguish the useful signal from interference, provided that the useful signal arrival time is known. The first method suggests using several frequencies for signal transmission and reception. The second method is based on applying noise-like signals (NLS) with several different code sequences.

As a result of the investigation, using simulation, it was found that the most appropriate signal is NPS, based on the Walsh signal, taken from the Hadamard matrix. These studies are of value when using in meteor radiolocation systems as their information about meteor studies will not be distorted. Proposed methods can also be used in meteor communication systems that will allow to improve the communication quality.

Author Biographies

Иван Евгеньевич Антипов, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166


Department of Radioelectronic devices

Руслан Владимирович Шандренко, Kharkiv national university of radioelectronics Lenin avenue, 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Graduate student

Department of radio engineering fundamentals

Александр Иванович Шкарлет, Kharkiv national university of radioelectronics Lenin avenue, 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Graduate student

Department of radio engineering fundamentals


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How to Cite

Антипов, И. Е., Шандренко, Р. В., & Шкарлет, А. И. (2014). Methods of the active radiointerference protection of the meteoric adiolocation system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(9(69), 42–46.



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