Development of a structural graph object apparatus as a means of developing models for studying computer network survivability




telecommunication systems, computer networks, survivability, structural graph objects, threats, destructive effect


The paper introduces a new concept of structural graph object. The structural graph object is a generalization of the well-known concept of graph. The generalization is made in such a way that the connection may be not only between the graph nodes, but also between nodes and branches, as well as between subgraphs of the graph. The generalization makes it possible to form a computer network model that includes all possible threats (attack, failure or emergency) in the network operation, both natural and human-related factors. In contrast to the existing models, this model allows making a comprehensive analysis of the computer network survivability, taking into account hardware, software, informational and organizational aspects of survivability. These directions make the contribution to the concept of computer network survivability and should be considered together. This will make the operation of computer networks more reliable and stable.

Author Biography

Віктор Євгенович Бондаренко, State University of Telecommunications Solomjanskaja str., 7, Kiev, Ukraine, 03680

Associate professor, Candidate of technical science

The department of computer systems and networks


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How to Cite

Бондаренко, В. Є. (2014). Development of a structural graph object apparatus as a means of developing models for studying computer network survivability. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(9(71), 56–59.



Information and controlling system