Mutual influence of energy efficiency and innovation activity in the industrial sector of the economy




energy efficiency, innovation activity, industrial enterprises, strategic management, correlation analysis


The object of the study is energy efficiency and innovation activity of industrial enterprises.

The literature review has shown that the problem of the nature of mutual influence of energy efficiency and innovation activity of the enterprise remains unresolved. The following problem was investigated: existence and nature of dependence of energy efficiency and innovation activity of industrial enterprises. This problem is solved in this study based on the construction of trend lines on the average annual dynamics of changes in energy efficiency, the share of intangible assets and the share of R&D results of large industrial enterprises for 2018–2022. The following results were obtained:

– indicators of the share of intangible assets and R&D results directly affect the energy efficiency indicator;

– the indicator of energy efficiency does not affect the indicator of the share of intangible assets, while it has a direct impact on the indicator of R&D results.

These results explain the priority of the indicator "share of R&D results" in innovation activity for the energy efficiency of enterprises, as it is based on real production. The features of the obtained results consist in the application of comparable correlation analysis coefficients, confirming the existence of a direct relationship between these parameters. The paper provides recommendations on the use of the obtained results at the level of strategic management of an industrial enterprise.

The practical significance of this study is the possibility of applying the findings and recommendations to improve the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises in their innovative development in the scope and conditions corresponding to the developing economy

Author Biographies

Khanbibi Nursapina, Higher School Economics and Audit

Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Tursynzada Kuangaliyeva, Astana IT University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of School

School of Creative Industry

Aizhan Uryngaliyeva, Zhangir Khan University

Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Higher School of Economics and Audit

Nurkhat Ibadildin, Astana IT University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of School

School of Creative Industry

Serik Serikbayev, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Department of Business Technology

Ainagul Tulegenova, West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University

Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Department of Finance and Economics

Zhaxat Kenzhin, Academy of Physical Education and Mass Sports

PhD Doctor, Associate Professor

Department of Social Humanities


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Mutual influence of energy efficiency and innovation activity in the industrial sector of the economy




How to Cite

Nursapina, K., Kuangaliyeva, T., Uryngaliyeva, A., Ibadildin, N., Serikbayev, S., Tulegenova, A., & Kenzhin, Z. (2024). Mutual influence of energy efficiency and innovation activity in the industrial sector of the economy. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(13 (128), 6–14.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology