Identifying the vehicle accident models based on driving behavior factors using structural equation modeling




vehicle accidents, driving behavior, structural equation modeling, traffic accidents, motor vehicle drivers, car driver behavior, driving characteristics


The increase in population is accompanied by an increase in the number of vehicles. It is inevitable that the number of vehicle accidents will also increase, which can be caused by various factors. Driver factors reviewed in this study include socioeconomic characteristics, movement characteristics, accident characteristics, and driver behavior characteristics. the purpose of this study is to study the vehicle accident model using interviews and Driving Behavior questionnaires with a total of 307 motorist respondents who have experienced accidents. Driver factors reviewed in this study include socioeconomic characteristics, movement characteristics, accident characteristics, and driver behavior characteristics using interviews and Driving Behavior questionnaires with a total of 307 motorist respondents who have experienced accidents.

This investigate used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with SmartPLS computer software. Two-wheeled vehicle accident modeling results Y=–0.234 X1+0.153 X3+ei2; R2=0.102. The greatest influence occurs in the characteristics of driver behavior (X3), namely Ordinary Violation, and for four-wheeled vehicle accident modeling results, Y=–0.343 X1+0.284 X3+ei2; R2=0.217. The greatest influence occurs in driver behavior characteristics (X3), namely Ordinary Violation. Ordinary Violation is defined as a deliberate deviation from the rule of law.

Thus, from the research results, the most influential variable was the behavior of drivers who committed ordinary violations such as ignoring speed limits, breaking through intersections, and driving under the influence of alcohol. So, there needs to be collaboration between the police and related parties in tackling accidents and reducing the risk of traffic accidents, such as long as socialization or information through newspapers or electronic media to the public in Jayapura City regarding the importance of collective awareness of driving safety

Supporting Agency

  • I am deeply thankful to Dr. Ir. M. Zainul Arifin, MT, and Dr. Fauzul Rizal Sutikno for their invaluable guidance and insightful advice throughout my research. Additionally, I encompass my gratitude to my parents, siblings, and friends meant for their unwavering care, encouragement, and prayers through the writing process of this article.

Author Biographies

Fadila Ardi Putri Damayanti, Brawijaya University

Master’s Student in Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Muhammad Zainul Arifin, Brawijaya University

Doctor of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Fauzul Rizal Sutikno, Brawijaya University

Doctor of Urban Regional and Planning

Departmen Urban Regional and Planning

Muh Miftahulkhair, Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Master of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering


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Identifying the vehicle accident models based on driving behavior factors using structural equation modeling




How to Cite

Damayanti, F. A. P., Arifin, M. Z., Sutikno, F. R., & Miftahulkhair, M. (2024). Identifying the vehicle accident models based on driving behavior factors using structural equation modeling. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3 (129), 85–93.



Control processes