The promising direction in creation highly piston pump for hydraulic coal


  • Юрий Андреевич Косенко-Белинский East-Ukrainian National University. Dahl square. Youth, 20a, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91034, Ukraine



hydraulic transportation of coal, piston pulp pumps, mathematical models, numerical experiment.


The analysis of the dynamics of the industrial transport in the world has shown that nowadays the most rapid growth has piping hydraulic transport of coal and other bulk materials in the form of pulps. The most important advantages of hydraulic transport are:
- continuity of transportation and absence of material loss of the pumped material, and therefore no environmental pollution;
- independence of operation of the hydraulic transport from the weather and climate conditions at high performance, degree of automation and efficiency;
- high adaptability to other types of continuous technologies, such as preparation, flotation, use, etc.
The piston pulp pumps for solid materials are the most important and expensive units of hydraulic transport and circulation systems for drilling of various holes.
The results of numerical experiments showed that its wide application with the mathematical models of pulp pumps and a computer permit to refine and improve them on the design stage and before it. This will reduce the time and costs of development and industrial production of domestic competitive hydraulic machines for this purpose.

Author Biography

Юрий Андреевич Косенко-Белинский, East-Ukrainian National University. Dahl square. Youth, 20a, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91034

PhD, Associate Professor

Department "Avtonika and transport management"


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How to Cite

Косенко-Белинский, Ю. А. (2013). The promising direction in creation highly piston pump for hydraulic coal. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(7(61), 16–20.



Applied mechanics