Research of influence of the price of realization of production, its components on indicators of commercial effectiveness of IР of LS


  • Віктор Федорович Харченко Kharkiv National Municipal Academy st.Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov,Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Ярослав Володимирович Санько Kharkiv National Municipal Academy st.Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov,Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Дар’я Валеріївна Григорова Kharkiv National Municipal Academy st.Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov,Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



Expenses of trade enterprise, the price of realization of production


Main types of expenses of trade enterprise are considered. The mathematical model of definition of the price of realization of production of trade enterprise taking into account risks of the maintenance of stocks is given. Dependence of change of indicators of commercial effectiveness of investment projects is defined at formation of the price of realization of production

Author Biographies

Віктор Федорович Харченко, Kharkiv National Municipal Academy st.Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov,Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor

Department of Electrical provide cities

Ярослав Володимирович Санько, Kharkiv National Municipal Academy st.Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov,Ukraine, 61002

Candidate of Technical Sciences,

Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

Дар’я Валеріївна Григорова, Kharkiv National Municipal Academy st.Revolyutsii, 12, Kharkov,Ukraine, 61002


Faculty of Management


  1. Бєлявцев М.І., Інфраструктура товарного ринку [Текст] / М.І. Бєлявцев, Л.В. Шестопалова – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2005. — 416 с.
  2. Фінанси підприємств [Текст]: Підручник / А. М. Поддєрьогін, М. Д. Білик, Л Д. Буряк та ін.; Кер. кол. авт. і наук. ред. проф. А. М. Поддєрьогін. — 6-те вид., перероб. та допов. — К.: КНЕУ, 2006. — 552 с.



How to Cite

Харченко, В. Ф., Санько, Я. В., & Григорова, Д. В. (2012). Research of influence of the price of realization of production, its components on indicators of commercial effectiveness of IР of LS. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3(57), 59–61.



Control systems