Definition of means and methods for physical training of 3–6 years old children taking into account their individual development and physical fitness
physical fitness, physical preparedness, biological age, passport age, semantic spaces, somatotype, донозология, test, standards, norm, allometryAbstract
Tеtіana Dorofieieva & Olha Riabchenko
Purpose: definition and justification features of the physical development 3–6 years old children and the features of physical preparedness of this age period.
Material & Methods: the sample size for each age group was 100 persons. For an objective assessment of the characteristics considered, the concepts of biological age and passport age are introduced as indispensable indicators for determining individual characteristics of the organism development.
Results: based on the administration of the two criteria for age estimation takes into account features of construction of motor activity. For the orderly presentation of the obtained individual features of the organization of motor activity characteristics used indicative of semantic space. This allowed us to establish the regularities of the processes under consideration and their approximation by mathematical equations. Presence of analytical descriptions allows to provide forecasting of development and to carry out professional selection of persons possessing a certain motor talent. Results and their presentation are published for the first time.
Conclusion: to build a system for monitoring physical fitness and physical preparedness, systematic monitoring is necessary, in which the assessment of the biological age and the individual structure of the somatotype. Based on the representation of the observations obtained in the semantic spaces, regularities of the morphological and functional forms of the child somatotype.
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