Use of mobile and educational games in the sports training of young football players


  • Володимир Наумчук



mobile and educational games, sports training, young football players, use


Volodymyr Naumchuk

Purpose: determine the content and sequence of the use of mobile and educational games in the process of sports training for young football players.

Material & Methods: analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific information on the problem of research, educational and methodological literature and Internet sources, pedagogical observations.

Results: it is established that the effectiveness of the use of mobile and educational games should be ensured not only through their appropriate selection in accordance with the pedagogical conditions and due organizational and methodical decision, but also by determining the optimal sequence of their implementation in the training process, adapting their content and structure to the contingent students and a specific pedagogical situation. The generalized sequence of application of these games in the process of sports training of young football players is considered, on a specific example their approximate content is revealed.

Conclusion: the content and sequence of the use of mobile and educational games are determined by methodological provisions that provide for the primary solution of the tasks of the individual side of the training of young football players with the subsequent resolution of interrelations in its limits. After that, those tasks of a certain side of sports training that can be solved by means of another are realized. In the future, the relationship and integration of two or more parties of long-term training is carried out in control games and official competitions.


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How to Cite

Наумчук, В. (2018). Use of mobile and educational games in the sports training of young football players. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(63), 47–52.


