Use of fitness trackers to determine the volume of physical activity of students in secondary schools aged 15–16 years
physical activity, fitness tracker, free time, studentsAbstract
Andriy Mandyuk
Purpose: determine the weekly volume of motor activity of pupils of general education schools aged 15–16 in Lviv.
Material & Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis and synthesis, determination of the volume of physical activity using technology FitnessTracker, methods of mathematical statistics. The study was attended by students of secondary schools No.45 and No. 54 (Lviv). For further processing, the results of the 26th boys and 25 girls were recorded. The total number of students was 51 people.
Results: presents results of fixation of indicators of motor activity of children 15–16 years. The average number of steps that are carried out by students of this age on weekdays and weekends.
Conclusions: it is established that on average, pupils of the specified age perform 7185,1 steps per day. This indicator is below the recommended standards for children of this age. Indicators of daily physical activity among children were higher than among women. It is established that the volume of physical activity of children 15–16 years old is 8,2% more on weekends compared with the same indicator on weekdays.
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