Gender identification of athletes of different qualifications regarding classification groups of sports
gender, men, women, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, gender identityAbstract
Oleg Kamaev, Olena Tarasevich & Darіa Okun
Purpose: identify (determine) gender types of athletes of different qualifications depending on the classification groups of sports.
Material & Methods: the study involved 859 students from 17 to 28 years old, who study at the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine and the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, specializing in Olympic and non-Olympic sports and with various sports qualifications. Of these, 428 male athletes and 431 female athletes. Such research methods were used as: analysis and generalization of literary sources and Internet resources on the investigated problem; questioning; conversation; psychological methods: S. Bem's technique “Masculinity / femininity”; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: the percentage correlation of masculine, feminine and androgynous types of personality was revealed among 859 male and female athletes studied, who specialize in sports games and martial arts, in cyclic, speed-strength and complex coordination sports. With a masculine personality type, 238 young men were identified, which is 55% of the total number of athletes and 238 girls (56% of their total number). Athletes of the androgynous type identified 193 people (45%), and athletes – 190 (44%). Feminine-type personalities were not found among either boys or girls. The percentage ratio of masculine and androgynous male and female athletes in different classification groups of sports and sports disciplines relative to their biological gender and sports qualification is also determined.
Conclusions: regarding such a concept as “gender”, men and women belong to one of three sociocultural sexes: masculine, feminine, and androgenic. The idea of masculinity and femininity is associated not with the biological sex of a person, but with the type of culture to which he belongs. Sport, as an institute of socialization, actively contributes to the formation of gender qualities of an individual. As a result of the study, it was proved that the ratio of gender types in both men and women varies depending on the type of sports activity that they are engaged in. High qualification of athletes and athletes contributes to the formation of masculinity in them.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Олена Тарасевич, Олег Камаєв, Дар’я Окунь

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