Motive to achieve a theoretical justification of its structural components


  • Олександр Федорович Артюшенко [Aleksandr Artyushenko] Cherkasy Natoinal University named after B. Khmel’nitskii, Ukraine
  • Денис Леонидович Нечипоренко [Denis Nechyporenko] Cherkasy Natoinal University named after B. Khmel’nitskii, Ukraine


motivation, motive, success and avoid failure, the level of aspiration


Discusses various views on authors understanding of the nature motif. Shows examples of classification of motives. Studied the
relationship of the level of aspiration, self-esteem and achievement motivation. Based on the studied material formed of “achievement motive” that understand how the relentless pursuit, encouraging people to activities associated with efforts to succeed (or avoid failure) in the activity and which depends on the level of individual claims. Analyzed psychological and pedagogical literature which theoretically allowed reasoning structural components and indicators of achievement motive, which allow to objectively assess the level of formation of the motive


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How to Cite

Артюшенко [Aleksandr Artyushenko] О. Ф., & Нечипоренко [Denis Nechyporenko] Д. Л. (2013). Motive to achieve a theoretical justification of its structural components. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(38), 25–28. Retrieved from


