The construction of the training process of young weight lifters 12–13 years old during a one-year macrocycle, taking into account the specific biological cycle
young athletes, specific biological cycle, CMC phases, microcycles, mesocyclesAbstract
Liudmyla Kanunova & Viktor Dzhym
Purpose: to consider the question of building the training process of young weight lifters of 12–13 years during a one-year macrocycle, taking into account the peculiarities of a specific biological cycle.
Material & Methods: the methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific information, system analysis are used in the work.
Results: modern approaches to constructing the training process of young weight lifters of 12–13 years are presented, a detailed structure of the construction of a one-year macrocycle taking into account the CMC phases is presented.
Conclusions: it was determined that for young athletes involved in kettlebell lifting, it is necessary to carry out a detailed load distribution in accordance with the phases of the CMC during a one-year macrocycle, and it is necessary to take into account loads in basic and competitive mesocycles.
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