Assessment of the reaction of the cardiovascular system to dosed physical activity of patients with metabolic syndrome under the influence of the use of physical therapy
metabolic syndrome, Martine-Kushelevsky test, physical therapy, womenAbstract
Yuliya Kalmykova, Sergey Kalmykov & Natalia Orshatska
Purpose: study of the reaction of the cardiovascular system to dosed physical activity of patients with metabolic syndrome in the process of applying a physical therapy program.
Material & Methods: 28 young women with metabolic syndrome took part in the study, CG – 14 women, MG – 14 women. The mean age of the patients with MG was 31,49±0,71 years, and the CG was 31,06±0,57 years. In order to determine and assess the tolerance of the cardiovascular system to dosed physical activity in the examined patients, the Martine-Kushelevsky test was used.
Results: analyzed and summarized the results of a study of the reaction of the cardiovascular system to dosed physical activity according to the Martin-Kushelevsky test. According to the initial examination in the main and control groups, the indicator of the quality of the reaction according to the Martine-Kushelevsky test was less than normal, which indicates an unsatisfactory reaction of the cardiovascular system of patients to physical activity. After applying the physical therapy program, LRP increased in the main group from 0,40±0,17 to 0,54±0,01 c. u. (by 35,0%), in the control – from 0,41±0,17 to 0,49±0,12 c. u. (by 19,5%).
Conclusions: the analysis of the reaction quality indicators in patients of the main and control groups showed that they were better at repeated examination in the main group of patients after applying the author's physical rehabilitation program.
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