Improving the physical qualities of volleyball players using aerobics at the stage of specialized basic training


  • Тетяна Мошенська
  • Дмитро Петров



volleyball, physical qualities, aerobics, stage of specialized basic training


Tetiana Moshenska & Dmitriy Petrov

Purpose: theoretically develop and experimentally substantiate aerobic complexes to improve the physical qualities of volleyball players at the stage of specialized basic training.

Material & Methods: 24 athletes of the main medical group (16-18 years old, girls and boys) took part in the experimental part of the study. 2 groups were formed, control and experimental with 12 athletes each. A set of scientific research methods was used: analysis of special scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: studied the current state of the training process and existing methods for improving the physical qualities of volleyball players at the stage of specialized basic training. Developed differentiated aerobic complexes for the development and improvement of the leading physical qualities of volleyball players. The effectiveness of using aerobics in the process of improving the physical qualities of volleyball players at the stage of specialized basic training has been confirmed.

Conclusions: an increase in the level of development of the basic physical qualities of athletes was obtained. Indicators of coordination abilities increased by (7%), speed-strength (3,9–1,79%), strength (4,5%, 3,1% and 2,8%) and speed qualities (4,5–3,7%) and, as a result, an increase in endurance indicators (6,2%) and flexibility (6,5%).


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How to Cite

Мошенська, Т., & Петров, Д. (2020). Improving the physical qualities of volleyball players using aerobics at the stage of specialized basic training. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(75), 122–126.


