Professiogram of construction specialists and the state of health of students majoring in “construction and civil engineering”
Purpose: determine the professional profile of construction specialists and the state of health of students majoring in “construction and civil engineering”.
Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, questionnaire. The survey involved 24 teachers of construction specialties and 183 students majoring in “Construction and Civil Engineering” Sumy Construction College, Kharkiv College of Construction, Architecture and Design and Mariupol Construction College.
Results: the study identified the main means of recovery after work for construction professionals, such as: exercise, massage, baths, saunas.
Conclusions: it is established that professional and applied physical training helps in the effective development of professionally important physical qualities, prevention of injuries and occupational diseases.
Keywords: pre-higher education, student, teacher, health status, applied professional physical training, builder.
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