Peculiarities of the activity of fitness clubs in conditions of quarantine restrictions
Purpose: to determine the peculiarities of the activities of fitness clubs in conditions of quarantine restrictions.
Material and methods: during the implementation of the set goals, the following research methods were used: analysis of literary sources, organizational analysis, questionnaires, methods of marketing analysis (PEST analysis), media research of the Internet audience (Opinion Software Media), methods of mathematical statistics. The study was conducted on the basis of 3 fitness clubs in Kharkov (Pheromone, Malibu, Safari). The survey was attended by managers, administration and trainers of fitness clubs - 57 people. The method of marketing analysis (PEST analysis) was used to analyze the degree of influence of macroenvironmental factors on the efficiency of the functioning of fitness clubs. The study involved 22 people with appropriate qualifications and access to information.
Results: the main factors of the marketing environment influencing the activities of fitness clubs were identified; disclosed the content of the target guidelines for the use of social networks when choosing a fitness club; the reasons for the interaction of users with the pages of fitness clubs in social networks and with official sites have been determined.
Conclusions: changes that have occurred in the external environment of fitness clubs over the past two years have led to a reorientation of their professional activities. The epidemiological situation forces fitness clubs to look for new forms of training in order to make a profit. The introduction of quarantine restrictions served as an impetus for the expansion of the socio-economic areas of work of fitness clubs on the Internet. This area is actively developing, despite the economic crises and various external and internal obstacles. Based on the results of the study, the features of the activity of fitness clubs in conditions of quarantine restrictions have been determined. The study of the marketing environment of fitness clubs determined a high degree of influence of demographic factors - the state of health of the population and the epidemiological situation in the country and the city (105 points). It is estimated that 42% of users use social media to express their opinions and 39% turn to online sources to read reviews of sports products, fitness services or fitness clubs. Fitness clubs most actively use Internet technologies to receive banking and financial services (87,7%) and interact with consumers (81,6%).
Keywords: fitness club, Internet, Internet marketing, quarantine restrictions.
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