Functional changes in the body of women in aerobic fitness


  • (Valentina Lysyak) Лисяк Валентина Миколаївна Kharkov Institute of Banking, Ukraine



aerobic fitness, students, functional changes preserving health technology


Purpose: to analyze the influence of aerobic fitness training on physiological parameters students. Material: the study involved 30 students of 1–3 courses of Kharkiv Institute of banking, of which were divided into two groups. First – experimental (n=15). Students in this group for 10 months, 2 times a week doing aerobic fitness. The second group – the control (n=15). Its representatives were attending regular classes in physical state education program. Control tests were conducted three times throughout the experiment. Tests were used to assess the functional state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems: a delay of breath and out breath, vital capacity, maximum oxygen consumption. Defined as living index and the Harvard step test, the power brush and physical performance. Results: it has been established that of the individual experimental group compared to the control, significantly improved performance respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Increased MOC, physical performance and muscle strength. Conclusion: concluded that aerobic fitness classes can be an effective means of strengthening and preserving the health of students.


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How to Cite

Лисяк Валентина Миколаївна (Valentina L. (2014). Functional changes in the body of women in aerobic fitness. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(41), 53–56.


