Planning of educational process for physical culture taking into consideration the dynamics of the physical condition of 13–14 years school children


  • (Andrey Napadiy) Нападій Андрій Петрович T. G. Shevchenko Kremenetsk Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, Ukraine



periodization of physical fitness, physical education, physical condition, adolescents


Purpose: to justify planning of educational process for physical culture taking into consideration the dynamics of the physical condition of 13–14 years school children during the school year. Material and Methods: assessment of the physical condition of schoolchildren 13–14 years old during the school year was carried out with the help of pedagogical methods and rapid – assessment of the level of physical health of children. 62 students from the 7-th classes of secondary school № 5 of the Kremenets city, including 32 boys and 30 girls were selected. Results: the dynamics of the physical condition of schoolchildren during the school year detected. Periodization of physical preparation of middle school students which will contribute studying of the sequence content of the teaching material in variable modules during the year, and plan appropriate physical load of students physical fitness proposed. Conclusions: modified approach to the planning of the learning process of physical education in secondary schools is based on the division of the school year into periods with clearly defined orientation: retracting, preparatory, basic, retracting, basic, interjacent.


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How to Cite

Нападій Андрій Петрович (Andrey N. (2014). Planning of educational process for physical culture taking into consideration the dynamics of the physical condition of 13–14 years school children. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(43), 55–58.


