Organizational methods conditions of formation of motivation at corresponding pedagogical skills to professional-applied physical training




students, teaching profession, empathy, professionally applied physical fitness, motivation


Purpose: to develop organizational and methodological conditions of formation and motivation of students to determine their effectiveness. Materials and Methods: the study was conducted by third year student of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Primary Education (53 people). We used the following methods: survey of theoretical knowledge, motor tests, evaluation methods of physical health (G. Apanasenko), psychological methods of training motivation (T. Ilyina), motivation to succeed (T. Elers), rapid diagnosis empathy (I. Yusupova), methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the factors that affect the state of professionally-applied physical fitness of students of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Primary Education. Conclusions: the proposed organizational and methodological conditions activation independent of external students is the basis for providing in centives for self-study educational materials, improving theoretical knowledge in the field of physical education, increased motor activity through various forms of regular exercise.


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How to Cite

Цибульська Вікторія Вікторівна (Victorya T. (2014). Organizational methods conditions of formation of motivation at corresponding pedagogical skills to professional-applied physical training. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(44), 120–125.


