Influence of the structure and content of physical training tourists-conductors 12–13 years on the level of physical fitness


  • (Olena Horbonos-Andronova) Горбонос-Андронова Олена Русланівна Дніпропетровський державний інститут фізичної культури і спорту, Ukraine



boating, physical qualities, additional means of physical preparation, the stage of preliminary base preparation


Purpose: to determine the effect of the structure and content of physical training tourists-conductors 12–13 years on the level of physical fitness. Results: significant differences in the level of development of basic motor qualities tourists conductors between the experimental and control groups. Material and Methods: the used theoretical analysis and synthesis of the literature, teacher testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 90 people, 64 of them – men and 26 – women. Conclusions: determined that the overall level of physical qualities tourists conductors is low; no single structure building training process of preparation tourists conductors 12–13 years; no innovative technologies; narrow range of physical training of athletes. Established that additional means of physical training significantly affect the level of physical qualities tourists conductors 12–13 years at a stage of previous base preparation


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How to Cite

Горбонос-Андронова Олена Русланівна (Olena H.-A. (2015). Influence of the structure and content of physical training tourists-conductors 12–13 years on the level of physical fitness. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(50), 48–52.


