Indicators of physical condition of women who are engaged in health-improving aerobics


  • Ольга Мартынюк Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Национальный горный университет», Днепропетровск, Украина, Ukraine



aerobics, physical condition, women


Martynyuk, O. 

Purpose: to learn physical condition of women for the increase of efficiency of sports and health-improving classes.

Material & Methods: 20 women of 21–35 years old who are engaged in health-improving aerobics took part in the stating experiment. The assessment of physical condition is carried out by means of the method of indexes and the equations of regression.

Results: it is established in the course of the researches that 45% of participants of the experiment have the level of physical condition "below the average", and 55% – "low", at the same time persons with the highest indicators are not registered.

Conclusions: results of the research added and expanded the existing conclusions about morphofunctional characteristics of physical condition of women who are engaged in different types of sports and health-improving classes. 


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How to Cite

Мартынюк, О. (2016). Indicators of physical condition of women who are engaged in health-improving aerobics. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(54), 73–78.


