Effect of different kinds of fitness based on the ovarian-menstrual cycle on the psychophysical state of young women
wellness fitness, psychophysical state, ovarian-menstrual cycle, young women, training loadAbstract
Оlena Shishkina, Igor Beihul & Alla Mullagіldіna
Purpose: to determine the effect of different kinds of fitness, based on the ovarian-menstrual cycle on the psychophysical state of young women.
Material & Methods: the research involved young women aged 21–25 years (n=84), which are divided into two groups: control (CG, n=36) and experimental (EG, n=48). The control group was doing basic aerobics, pilates and stretching without taking into account the phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, experimental was doing different kinds of fitness according to the phases of the OMC. Exercises were conducted 3 times a week, the research lasted for 12 months. Functional capabilities were determined according to the following indicators: resting heart rate, blood pressure, recovery time after 20 squats in 30 s; physical fitness by the following indicators: "shuttle running 4x9 m", with; "Long jump from place", cm; "Lifting the torso into the saddle" in one minute, the number of times; "Leaning forward from sitting position", cm Level of demonstration of psychological sphere according to the method of N. E. Vodopianova "Assessment of satisfaction with quality of life".
Results: a comparative analysis of both groups showed that there was a significant (p<0,05–0,01) improvement in functional capacity in the EG. The greatest impact of the use of various fitness tools had on resting heart rate, bit∙min-1: from a rating of "fair" to "good"; recovery time after 20 squats in 30 s, from: 'below average' to 'above average'. Physical fitness in the EG compared to CG also improved significantly (p<0,05–0,01). It was found that the biggest changes occurred in the indices of the endurance test of the abdominal muscles and flexibility: from the rating "unsatisfactory" to "excellent". It was found that the personal assessment of the quality of life satisfaction with EG was significantly (p<0,05–0,01) different from CG. The former improved their attitude, self-control, self-esteem, health perception, support of friends and optimism while reducing tensions and expressing negative emotions.
Conclusions: the use of the wellness method of combining different kinds of fitness has a positive effect on the psychophysical state of young women. There is an opportunity to apply the developed methodology to the practice of wellness training.
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